Pipplet FLEX, the online test to validate the language level in the workplace

From training to recruiting organizations, it is necessary to validate a candidate’s language level. From in-room testing to online evaluation, Pipplet has developed Pipplet FLEX which is both fast and of high quality to support professionals in certifying candidates.

Pipplet presents all the advantages of an online test

First of all, it’s fast. Lasting only 30 minutes and results within 24 hours. Neither the candidates nor the sponsoring organizations need to create nor adhere to a specific schedule since the tests are available 24/7. Only one click to request and to send a test. 

Access is streamlined because candidates do not need to create an account to complete the assessment. Just follow the invitation link. Plus, answers are managed with reliability and confidentiality. 

Everything is done online. The company requesting the verification of the language level will directly receive the results via email. Pipplet will send a detailed report regarding the abilities of each candidate who took the test. In addition, you will have a dashboard where you can find a summary of these results. 

Candidates receive a quality assessment

Even if it is an online evaluation, it validates the candidate’s language level because the answers provided during the test are examined by qualified, native evaluators of the language concerned. The candidate's answers are recorded and fairly graded.

Unlike most online test, Pipplet FLEX assesses a candidate’s comprehension as well as their oral and written abilities. Pipplet creates real world scenarios which produces realistic results. What’s more, this real test meets the requirements of the European Circle of Common References for Languages (CECRL). 

Finally, Pipplet offers certification as part of the Personal Training Account (CPF) for all employees who chose to use their credits to learn a living language. Remember that the CPF is a right, and every workers should be able to improve their qualifications during their career. 

The company easily manages all operations

Pipplet FLEX is available in more than eight languages, including English, Arabic, and Russian. To order a test for your employees or candidates, simply order from our website. Even a personalized assessment to validate candidates’ language level can be organized. 

A discount rate can be applied depending on the number of tests you order. We offer test packs of 10, 50 and 100, but we can negotiate a better rate if you plan to order more than 100 tests per year.

We provide a responsive service. You can reach us directly by phone, chat or email regarding any question or special request.
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