
You have been invited to take a Pipplet

As part of your recruitment or training process, you have been invited to take a Pipplet: a 30-minute online test to assess your language proficiency level.

NEXT STEP: Return to the invitation that you received via email. Click the button in the email to start the test.

Want to learn more about the Pipplet test and what to expect? Check our guide:

Read Candidate Guide

IMPORTANT: It is not possible to take a Pipplet test without an invitation from a recruiter or a training center.

Pipplet: Online Language Testing for Organizations Based on the CEFR

Pipplet is trusted by organizations for an efficient and reliable evaluation of an individual's language proficiency based on the CEFR international standard, in 40+ languages.

The test focuses on the individual's ability to comprehend and express themselves, orally and in writing, in realistic scenarios.

Pipplet sells its solutions to companies and training centers only. To obtain an English language certification as an "independent candidate", please check ETS Global.
