[e-book] smart hiring 2023

51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent

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Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book


Computer Software

Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book

Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist

#12 Screen candidates and then schedule interviews via AI

Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book


The first part of any recruitment process involves some timeconsuming. This is the case for the sorting of applications and thesending of emails to candidates in order to organize the firstinterviews.

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Actions taken

This world leader in software publishing hasautomated most of these tasks by relying on artificial intelligence. ThisAI automatically sorts applications according to the occurrence orpresence of certain keywords, then sends candidates psychologicaland psychometric tests and analyzes their answers. At the end of thisdouble process, the AI assigns a grade of A, B, C or D to eachcandidate. The recruiter or manager then only has to select thecandidates to meet, and the AI finally takes care of scheduling aninterview according to the available time slots.

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Confirmed results

This automation of administrative andoperational management tasks has saved recruiters considerabletime. They can now devote more time to accompanying candidatesand examining the most relevant applications on a case-by-case basis.


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