[e-book] smart hiring 2023

51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent

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Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book


Management Consulting

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Executive Search Senior Consultant

#17 Start the interview series with a top manager

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In a recruitment process, the selection phase must be asefficient as possible in order to optimize the time spent withcandidates. In conducting analysis, this international recruitment firmfound that the most selective interviews were those where thecandidate met with a manager. However, this type of interview isoften positioned towards the end of the process, when a lot of timehas already been invested by the teams.

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Actions taken

To increase efficiency and shorten the selectionprocess, the firm chose to schedule an interview with a manager asearly on as possible. Thus, the candidate has his first interview with asenior person in the company. At the end of this interview, themanager validates the candidate's entry into the process or rejectsthe application. The selected candidate can then meet with peoplelower in the hierarchy, who will test his or her professional andbehavioral skills from a more operational angle.

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Confirmed results

This approach simplifies the process, saves teamsa lot of time, and dramatically increases the quality of the candidatepipeline.


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