51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent
Internet / e-commerce
Senior Recruiter & Team Lead
The interview phase often does not allow for a full evaluationof the “soft skills” of the candidates and is not sufficient to prevent allrecruitment errors. It just so happens that candidates present anadvantageous facade, but then have difficulty taking charge of theirposition or adhering to the company's values.
In order to ensure the match between the candidateand his future team, this leader in the e-commerce sector brings themto meet during the selection process. This team meeting aims toassess the candidate's ability to integrate into the group dynamics.
Practice shows that team input frequentlyprovides clear direction for the recruitment process. A recruitmentchoice that is subject to the team's prior approval promotes astronger welcome and integration for the new recruit. If the team isdivided on the decision to be made, it is an opportunity for itsmembers to make their choices explicit and to better identify/reaffirmtheir common identity together.