51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent
Management Consulting
Executive Search and Assessment Professional
Negotiating salaries sometimes leads to awkward exchangesat the end of the recruitment process that might better be avoidedfor the good of the company and the candidate. This employersought to resolve this issue.
The assumption is that the employer and thecandidate must be able to make an effort to reach an agreement onsalary. Thus, in this company, salaries are not negotiated at the timeof hiring and there is no predefined salary scale for new recruits. Thecandidate selected after the interviews is asked to state the salaryhe/she would like to be paid, and then the firm simply chooses togrant the corresponding offer, or not to proceed.
For the company, this approach was a success. Itallowed the company to recruit candidates who were able to assesstheir added value and their role within the team.