[e-book] smart hiring 2023

51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent

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Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book


Luxury Goods

Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book

VP Global Talent

Acquisition & Mobility

#08 Practice direct approach on LinkedIn via paid campaigns

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As a leader in the luxury goods industry, this employer uses avariety of sourcing tools (such as LinkedIn for recruiters, thecorporate website, or solutions such as TalentLink or Cornerstone).Still, these tools don’t allow them to proactively target jobseekers thatmeet very specific criteria like “geographical area,” “skills,” and“education.”

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Actions taken

Recruiters decided to use the LinkedIn Ads advertisingplatform to address highly targeted candidates—especially bygeographical area. This is very useful, for example, when the brandopens a new store and wants to recruit the talent that will make itwork. To support this approach, the company has set up a strategy oftargeted videos highlighting certain craft practices such asembroidery or jewelry making and presenting these exceptional skills.These films also allow the company to communicate on itsdistribution, diversity, and challenges with acquiring younger talent.

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Confirmed results

With this use of targeted ads on LinkedIn, thislarge fashion operation targets the most desirable candidates morequickly and precisely, thereby saving precious time for screeningrésumés.


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