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Pipplet for Nursing jobs

Assess the Actual Foreign Language Skills of Your Staff and Candidates

Are you in charge of recruiting nurses for a hospital or a healthcare center? Assess with Pipplet the language communication skills of nurses who wish to practice in a multilingual environment.

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Pipplet Language Assessment Training Leaners
Test their language abilities
Assess their communication skills
Verify their fit with the nursing environment

Why speaking English is critical for nursing?

There are many reasons why nurses should speak foreign languages, and especially English.English is the most widely spoken language in the world, so it makes sense that nurses would need to be able to communicate with as many people as possible.

English is also the language of medicine, so nurses need to be able to understand medical jargon and instructions.

Additionally, English is the language of nursing education, so nurses need to be able to communicate with their instructors and classmates.

Finally, speaking English allows nurses to connect with patients from all over the world who may be seeking medical care in English-speaking countries.

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