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Pipplet for the Travel industry

Assess the Actual Foreign Language Skills of Your Staff and Candidates

Are you an HR manager in the travel industry? Assess the language skills of candidates and employees working in this multilingual environment, with Pipplet.

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Pipplet Language Assessment Training Leaners
Test their language abilities
Assess their communication skills
Verify their fit with the travel environment

Why having staff speaking foreign languages is critical in the travel industry?

Travel is a vast and diverse industry. It includes at the same time: tourist boards, travel services, accommodation services, conferences and events, attractions and tourism services.
By speaking foreign languages, businesses in the travel industry can show their clients that they are truly international and capable of catering to their needs. This level of communication and understanding is essential in today’s global market.

Additionally, by promoting cultural understanding, businesses can show that they are respectful of their customers’ cultures and traditions. This is an important consideration for many customers when choosing a travel company.

Finally, speaking foreign languages can help businesses in the travel industry to reach new markets and expand their customer base.

By being able to communicate with potential customers in their own language, your company can open up new opportunities and tap into previously untapped markets.

This can be a valuable tool if your company is looking to grow its customer base and increase its bottom line.

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